At the age of sixteen (1551), Wilhelm took control of the Rosenberg bestate/b and moved into one of the family's castles in the small town of Cesky Krumlov. He immediately ordered the castle renovated into the Renaissance style with many b..../b Bavor had set up a laboratory in bNechanic/b, but his alchemical work proved so expensive that he was imprisoned for debts in the Black Tower of Prague. Bavor appealed to Wilhelm to imprison him in Cesky Krumlov and allow him to pursue ...
At the age of sixteen (1551), Wilhelm took control of the Rosenberg bestate/b and moved into one of the family's castles in the small town of Cesky Krumlov. He immediately ordered the castle renovated into the Renaissance style with many b..../b Bavor had set up a laboratory in bNechanic/b, but his alchemical work proved so expensive that he was imprisoned for debts in the Black Tower of Prague. Bavor appealed to Wilhelm to imprison him in Cesky Krumlov and allow him to pursue ...